Example 2: On September 20th I did a five-card lay-out, version 3 (see a couple lessons back) on the simple question, ‘give me an overview on the Trump administration this month, September 2019’:

Moisture(Toad, Reversed) & Dryness (Lion)
From this I concluded ‘an old man has achieved desired results. No emergencies on the horizon.’ At least, it was that way at the beginning of the month.

Cold (Polar Bear)
This is conserving one’s strength and energies, resting. It can also be immobilization; not budging; stubbornness. The day before I did this reading, a fresh scandal (Ukraine call) broke out, so this could be describing the initial reaction from the Trump administration—sit still, and wait for the frenzy to die down.

Water (Dolphin) & Air (Eagle)
‘A woman or girl, newly-arrived on the scene, brings a new experience and new ideas.’ Is how I read these two cards together. Greta Thunberg certainly fills the bill. The Water/Dolphin card is enjoyment as well, but I don’t think that’s President Trump in this situation. Perhaps the enjoyment is on Ms. Thunberg’s part, as she focuses the world’s attention on climate change. Water in sufficient amounts and the right circumstances can also be a destructive force, as well as a cleansing force, so he could be facing a situation like that before the month ends. The flow of events this month could be ushering in something new. President Trump probably wishes he could just fly above the fray, like the eagle on the Air card.