Divination Lessons

Teaching divination one method at a time.

Table of Contents

Master List of the Order of Lessons

Listed here is what I consider the proper order in which to take these lessons, if you are doing this as an actual divination curriculum. Proceeding on the principle that you have to learn how to crawl before you can walk, and you have to learn how to walk before you can run, I have tried to establish lessons which proceed in each category from simplest to the increasingly-complex. My intention is that by this progression, your intuitive and psychic abilities will be strengthened bit-by-bit, which can aid you in divining, since many divination methods rely on the diviner’s own intuition in correctly interpreting the message. This ability is especially-important for when you get to the Psychomancy section.

Keep in mind, this Master List of the Order of Lessons is a work-in-progress. I may tinker with the order a bit, suddenly add lessons I hadn’t originally planned-on doing, and some lessons may even get moved to an altogether different category. Some of these lessons I haven’t gotten-to yet; Italics indicate those lessons I haven’t yet created.

Section 1: Simpleomancy

Pronounced either Simply-omancy or Simple-omancy, these are the easily-performed divination methods which can be carried out, using things which are either already in your home, or which can be created from materials you have on hand. For those that aren’t, I may, depending on the lesson, include a downloadable PDF for use in the lesson. Divination methods in this category are very quick to master, don’t require any memorization or study, and don’t require any psychic sense. Often all you need is the list of possible answers I’ll include with the lesson and an ability to follow simple directions. These are get-you-feet-wet divination methods, and these partake a little of each of the four following categories.

  2. Introduction to Simpleomancy
  3. Book Divination
  4. Pendulum/Dowsing Divination
  5. Yes-and-No Stones Divination
  6. Paper Fortune Teller Divination
  7. Polyhedron Divination
  8. Prophetic Coin Divination
  9. Blade Divination
  10. Weapon Divination
  11. Calendar Divination
  12. Lucky and Unlucky Days Divination
  13. Lexigram Divination
  14. The Five Shapes Test
  15. Greek Alphabet Divination
  16. Cookie/Biscuit Divination
  17. Dice Divination 1
  18. Dice Divination 2
  19. Dominos Divination
  20.  Pearl/Button Divination
  21. Casting Lots Divination
  22. Small Objects Divination
  23. Stones Divination

Section 2: Chartomancy

Pronounced the way it’s spelled, these divination methods all involve using charts. With these divination methods you’ll be either be consulting charts, filling out charts, or actively using a chart as a divination tool. Chartomancy divination methods, like Simpleomancy methods, are also very easy to master. All you need for these are the downloadable PDFs I include with the lesson, occasionally a spinning or casting object(s) or a pen or pencil, and an ability to follow simple directions. The sort of answers you’ll derive from these divination methods are largely cut-and-dried, although some answers may be cryptically-phrased and open to interpretation. These are the sorts of methods in which the inquirer can see just as well as the diviner what the answer is.

  2. Introduction to Chartomancy
  3. Arabian Squares Divination
  4. Wheel of Fortune (Simple)
  5. Wheel of Fortune-Halloween Edition
  6. Wheel of Fortune (w/separate list of answers)
  7. Throwback Thursday: Felix Fontaine’s Golden Wheel Fortune Teller
  8. Sabian Symbols
  9. Mystic Gypsy Tablet and The Coiled Serpent
  10. Tree of Life Picture Divination
  11. The Egyptian Protocol (Daily Numerology)
  12. The Gematria of Your Name-Dipping a Toe In
  13. Gyromancy II-Charts and Spinning Objects
  14. Tablets of Fate Divination
  15. The Halloween Game
  16. Geomantic Chart Divination
  17. Geomantic Symbols & the House Method
  18. Napoleon’s Book of Fate-Shorter Version
  19. Napoleon’s Book of Fate-Full Version
  20. Oracle of KAZ
  21. Numerology 1-the Birth Number
  22. Numerology 2-the Name Number
  23. Numerology 3-the Name Number & Its Deriviatives
  24. Numerology 4-Other Important Life Numbers
  25. Numerology 5-Other Life Numbers, Part Two

Section 3: Symbolomancy

Normally, divination methods in this category would be called cartomancy, and indeed, the majority of these are card decks. Some few of the card decks are downloadable PDFs I’ve created, and some you need to purchase for yourself. I’ve gone with the term Symbolomancy for this category of divination tools, because sometimes this can include stones, tiles, pottery shards, or wooden sticks with symbols engraved on them. But all of these are symbol sets. A series of pictures, pictograms, symbols, or glyphs, which each have a distinct meaning. This category of divination methods demands study, memorization, and practice.

The various symbols all have a distinct meaning which needs learning, but in time, the student may come to realize additional meanings for each symbol, based on the situation and their own experience. There are various patterns of arranging the symbols, called lay-outs or spreads, and these need learning and memorization, because each position in a lay-out or spread has a distinct meaning, which helps the diviner put that particular symbol in its proper context. Taken all together, the drawn or dealt symbols in a reading tell a story, and the divination student needs to learn how to tie all the various symbols in a reading into a coherent picture, or story, for the inquirer consulting them.

This is the category of divination methods where intuition or psychic ability starts to be an asset. Hopefully, Simpleomancy and Chartomancy will have helped the divination student start to develop and hone these abilities. These are divination methods where the inquirer is reliant-on the diviner’s knowledge and experience of the symbol-set they’re using, as well as their intuition, in order to render a clear message and answer to the inquirer’s question. With these methods the inquirer themselves may be able to intuit dimensions to the answer, of which the diviner is unaware.

  2. Introduction to Symbolomancy
  3. Card Game Divination
  4. Wizardology Cards Divination
  5. African Bone Divination
  6. Geomancy Card Divination
  7. Rune Divination
  8. Ogham Divination
  9. Theban Alphabet Divination
  10. Color Card Divination
  11. Napoleon’s Book of Fate Symbol Deck
  12. Piquet Deck Divination
  13. Piquet II: Euchre Deck Divination
  14. Kipper Card Divination
  15. LeNormand Divination
  16. Sibilla Card Divination
  17. Playing Card Divination
  18. Hooper’s Deck (The Eighteenth Century Cards)
  19. I Ching
  20. I Ching Part Two
  21. Tarot
  22. Morgan’s Tarot
  23. Mah Jongg Divination
  24. Wood Card Divination
  25. Adinkra Symbol Divination
  26. Celtic Triad Divination

Section 4: Artomancy

These divination methods all concern things in the diviner’s environment, often things in nature, or natural substances. These do have some rules, and can have guides as to meanings, but the interpretation is largely left up to the diviner. These are more heavily-dependent on the diviner’s intuition than the Symbolomancy methods are, and they also require an ability to see meaningful patterns in natural substances, in order to derive a message. These divination methods can have a very open-ended and subjective quality to them–where the diviner sees meaning, someone else would see just some naturally occurring phenomenon, or perhaps an interesting alignment, but nothing more. These are divination methods where the inquirer simply has to take the diviner’s word that what the diviner is telling them is the truth.

  2. Introduction to Artomancy
  3. Over-the-Shoulder Divination
  4. Candle Wax Divination
  5. Egg Divination-Ovomancy
  6. Mole Divination
  7. Wood Divination-Actual Xylomancy
  8. Atmospheric Divination-Wind and Clouds
  9. Bird Divination
  10. Animal Divination
  11. Chicken Divination-Alectryomancy
  12. Embers Divination
  13. Smoke Divination-Capnomancy
  14. Ashes/Sand Divination-Spodomancy
  15. Oil Divination-Lecanomancy
  16. Water Scrying Divination
  17. Fire Scrying Divination
  18. Tea-Leaf Reading-Tasseomancy

Section 5: Psychomancy

These divination methods are the sort where some form of naturally-strong psychic ability is definitely an asset. If you didn’t come into this world with such abilities, they can be learned, and that is what these lessons will cover. However, the development of these abilities may take much devoted effort and persevering practice in order to hone such abilities to the point where the divination student can make effective use of them. By this point, the student may well have developed their intuitive abilities to the point where it will be already somewhat developed and trained. These are another sort of divination method where the inquirer simply has to take the diviner’s word that the diviner is telling them the truth.

  • Introduction to Psychomancy
  • Remote Viewing
  • Accessing the Akashic Records
  • Psychometry
  • Psychic Feeling
  • Psychic Intuition
  • Psychic Hearing-Clairaudience
  • Psychic Vision-Clairvoyance
  • Psychic Body Language-Sensing the Aura
  • Crystal Ball/Mirror Gazing

Number 6: Largeomancy

This section is comprised of the sort of divination methods which are so large and complex, whole books have been written about them, and only a course of study all their own would do them justice. These are not necessarily actual lessons. Rather, they will more-often-than-not be Suggested Bibliographies for those interested in delving into the subjects at their leisure. Frankly, if you have gotten to this level of divination studies, you’re ready for independent study, anyway. There is only one of these subjects which I have even attempted to address in lesson-style, namely Numerology, and those lessons may eventually be moved to the Largeomancy Section.

  • Numerology
  • Palmistry
  • Face Reading
  • Feng Shui
  • Astrology