Three Drops of Egg White

For the ancient Greeks and Romans, this was practiced with a freshly-laid egg, a needle and a bowl of water. Over a bowl of water, while concentrating on their question, the small end (not the blunt end) of the egg was pierced with the needle, and three drops of egg white were allowed to fall into the water. The form these three drops of egg white took were then interpreted in much the same way candle wax dropped into a bowl of water would be.

A variation from Scotland specifies that the first-laid egg of a pullet and clear spring water were to be used. After the three drops of egg white were dropped into the glass, the questioner placed their hand over the mouth of the glass for about a minute (presumably while concentrating on their question) to give the egg white time to form an image. The source said this form of ovomancy was often practiced with the intention of having fertility questions answered, either by couples wanting to know how many children they’d have, or by children wanting to know how many more siblings they’d have.

A less-appealing Scottish variation on egg divination dictates the inquirer swallow a mouthful of the egg-water, then immediately go out for a walk. The first name they heard while on that walk would be the name of their future spouse. You risk bacterial infection from this procedure, not to mention yuck.

The Whole Egg White

Many modern ovomancers use the whole egg white when practicing ovomancy. This is done by poking a hole in the more-pointed end of the egg with a needle or a cake-tester, just large enough to allow all the egg-white to run out, but small-enough keep the yolk in the shell. I’ve also seen some use the shell itself or their hands to separate out the egg-white from the yolk, but you could cheat and use an egg-separator, which is available for purchase wherever kitchen implements are sold in your area. I prefer this approach to egg white divination; how much can you find out from just three drops of egg white?