For this form of lecanomancy, the basin, bowl, or dish you use will need to be see-through glass, such as a Pyrex™ dish. If you have that in hand, the next thing you will need is an under-basin chart with numbers, letters or symbols. Toward that end, below is another PDF with charts you can use for this purpose:

With a clear vessel of water and the charts in hand, the procedure is the following:

  1.  Calm your mind, center yourself, and ask whatever Spirits or Higher Power(s) you normally appeal to for Their guidance and help with this divination session.
  2. Formulate a question in your mind. This doesn’t have to be an either/or, success/failure sort of question, or a ‘show me the atmosphere surrounding so-and-so in the matter of such and such’ because in this form of lecanomancy, the chart you place under the vessel is all-important, and largely the determiner of the nature of the question you’re asking.
  3. Pour the oil into the center of the bowl/basin of water, over the florette in the center of the chart. With this form of lecanomancy, you don’t want to use too much oil, because you want to see how the oil interacts with the images on the chart below; too much oil could render this method of observation moot.
  4. Observe how the oil interacts with the letters, numbers, characters, or symbols on the chart below the water-filled vessel you’re using; does it seem to favor certain figures and not others? When you first poured the oil into the vessel, did it touch-bottom over a certain image? Are there any figures the oil seemed to avoid? If you used the alphabet chart, did the letters visited by the oil spell out a word or an acronym? If you used the numbers chart, did it spell-out any multi-digit number of significance to you?

This form of lecanomancy may well turn out to be the easiest for you to decipher meanings from, because in this case, you’re not trying to apply meaning to the formations of the oil itself, you are principally considering the oil’s movements in relation to the figures on the chart below. Below is a PDF of a chart you can use for this purpose, which I shamelessly copied from a lithomancy chart. It is designed to give very general advice:

 But don’t overlook the possibility of creating a hand-written chart on the spur-of-the-moment, one which would relate specifically to your question. Let’s move on to the fourth and last form of lecanomancy.