Yet another variation on blade-spinning divination is using a chart with numbers. This is handy for questions about ‘how many?’ and ‘when?’ For such questions, you can devise your own number chart, using any numbers you care to, as long as they fit in a circle. The Chart C I’m posting below is a numerology-based numbers chart. Because numerology is based on the idea that each primary number and master number has it’s own energy and set of meanings, you’ll use this chart for predictions, not how many/how much questions. I’ll cover numerology in more depth later, but for now, here’s a brief, if arguable, summation:

  • One-beginnings, leadership, individuality, solitude, loneliness, independence
  • Two-partnership, agreement, receptivity, friendship, romance
  • Three-creativity, the arts, sociability, social life, parties, beauty, sex, words
  • Four-order, structure, foundation, institutions, work, labor, limitations
  • Five-adventure, freedom, travel, excitement, the senses
  • Six-home and family, domestic obligations, family get-togethers
  • Seven-study, knowledge, reading, solitary pursuits, education, occult matters
  • Eight-success, recognition, achievement, business success, money
  • Nine-endings, humanitarian concerns, burdens, crafts, obligations
  • Eleven-spiritual insight, spirituality, religion, important realizations
  • Twenty-Two-the Master Builder, events of large-scale importance
  • Zero-the God number, quietude, nothing major happening at the moment

Chart C:


 Chart C is good for questions such as what is just ahead for me in the next seven/fifteen/thirty days, what does this person/place/new life situation mean for me, what should I focus my energy on in the next few weeks, and so on.

To get a feel for this divination method, print out all three charts, laminate them if you like, secure a knife of some kind, and answer the following questions: