I did a personal survey of the Oracular tables, and found the following:

  • about 56 answers are specifically predictions or cautions about the future
  • 28 answers concern themselves exclusively with love
  • 23 answers address personal character flaws
  • 16 answers address money/success/gain or work
  • 12 answers address family and friends
  • 3 answers related to quarrels or disputes

A number of these answers overlapped; that is, they could be lumped in more than one of these categories. Some were near-future predictions and some came across as life-long future predictions. Looking at the oracular tables, I think the sort of questions you can put to the Wheel of Fortune are limited these:

  • What does the future hold for me?
  • What does the future hold for (fill in the blank)?
  • What do I need to know for my life right now?
  • Does my love life have a promising outcome?
  • Are there any cautions I need to heed?

It’s a somewhat limited divination tool, but not without it’s uses. With that it mind, have fun with it! 
