Divination is a term for a pursuit more commonly known by the name, fortune-telling. As ‘fortune-telling’ is a term which has taken on a disreputable connotation over the years, and it misses the potential higher-purpose of this pursuit, I prefer to use the less-loaded term, ‘divination.’

Divination is a means of communicating with someone or something you can’t see. You may specify who it is you wish to communicate with, and indeed, that is encouraged, because it leads to a clearer message. Being specific about whom you wish to talk to also helps to keep the non-corporeal riff-raff from horning-in on the conversation. (This can be important, because some non-corporeal riff-raff can make things highly unpleasant for you, if they get a toe-hold in your energy). You can communicate with dead relatives, angels, saints, spirit guides, Deity (or Deities, if you’re a polytheist), Buddha, the Tao, Universe, your own Higher Self, or sub-conscious mind. It’s fairly open-ended in that respect.

Divination is a picture of how things look, at this point in time. It could be different four or five hours from now, or it could look the same, and look different tomorrow. Because the future is being created with every decision we and others make, the future is constantly being tweaked and changed. This is why using divination to determine how the future will look is often-times a futile pursuit. The future can be nimble and light on its feet, like a dancer or a prizefighter. But the future can also be like an elephant; more solid and anchored to earth, and divination can prevent us from running right smack into it.

Divination is a morally-neutral pursuit. Like money or magic, divination is neither good nor evil in and of itself. It is your intent, what you use it for, and the emotional energy you bring to it, which determines whether it is good or evil. Many people are uncomfortable with the idea of anything being morally-neutral, but such middle grounds do exist in life, and divination is one. If you pursue the morally-neutral practice of divination, make sure your motives are good and your scruples are in order. Some divination methods will politely but pointedly refuse to deal with you if they aren’t.

An example of this is trying to find out what is going on with another person. If you’re genuinely concerned for this person and want to know how to deal with them going forward, that is okay. But if you’re inquiring about them purely because you’re being nosy, then you may find some divination tools refusing to cooperate with you.

Divination is a sacred practice. In some societies which practice divination, it is considered the proper preserve of the priesthood or shamans in that society, because it involves communicating with a Higher Power than oneself. To communicate with a Higher Power than oneself is the right of every human being, but do approach this conversation with seriousness, respect, and an appreciation for the sacredness of what you are doing. I’ve found from personal experience that divination does not tolerate disrespect.  If you do not take it seriously, it will not take you seriously, and you will get no answer that is true, or makes any sense. A certain amount of up-front trust, or at least, open-mindedness on the part of the inquirer and the diviner, is vital in getting it to work effectively.